DigitalOcean Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each Droplet you create is a new server you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure.
We offer a variety of Linux images to deploy Droplets with, including base Linux images and images with specific applications already installed on them. Reference the following tables to see what types of images are available and their various properties.
You can use the image IDs or slugs in your API requests when creating Droplets.
You can sort each table by clicking the column headers.
Linux Distribution | Image ID | API/CLI Slug | Version | Minimum Disk Size |
AlmaLinux | 119703732 | almalinux-8-x64 |
AlmaLinux 8 | 10 GB |
AlmaLinux | 143033872 | almalinux-9-x64 |
AlmaLinux 9 | 10 GB |
CentOS | 106433672 | centos-7-x64 |
7 x64 | 9 GB |
CentOS | 135125666 | centos-stream-9-x64 |
9 Stream x64 | 10 GB |
CentOS | 136004902 | centos-stream-8-x64 |
8 Stream x64 | 10 GB |
Debian | 106569146 | debian-10-x64 |
10 x64 | 7 GB |
Debian | 135438931 | debian-12-x64 |
12 x64 | 7 GB |
Debian | 135565397 | debian-11-x64 |
11 x64 | 7 GB |
Fedora | 132196217 | fedora-38-x64 |
38 x64 | 15 GB |
Fedora | 145090142 | fedora-39-x64 |
39 x64 | 15 GB |
Rocky Linux | 135509519 | rockylinux-9-x64 |
9 x64 | 10 GB |
Rocky Linux | 143033891 | rockylinux-8-x64 |
8 x64 | 10 GB |
Ubuntu | 112929454 | ubuntu-20-04-x64 |
20.04 (LTS) x64 | 7 GB |
Ubuntu | 129211873 | ubuntu-22-04-x64 |
22.04 (LTS) x64 | 7 GB |
Ubuntu | 142476112 | ubuntu-23-10-x64 |
23.10 x64 | 7 GB |
Ubuntu | 155133621 | ubuntu-24-04-x64 |
24.04 (LTS) x64 | 7 GB |
Name | Image ID | API/CLI Slug | Base Distribution | Minimum Disk Size |
1ClickNode for Neo 3.6.2 | 146278646 | axlabs-1clicknodeforneo |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
3CX | 150638061 | 3cxcommunication-3cx |
Debian |
25 GB |
3CX-V18 | 147974724 | 3cxcommunication-3cxv18 |
Debian |
25 GB |
Activepieces 0.3.13 | 132425380 | activepieces |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Airflow 2.8.3 | 152621100 | airflow |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Akaunting | 122871403 | akaunting-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Anaconda 2024.02-1 | 153719336 | sharklabs-anaconda |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ant Media Server Community Edition 2.9.0 | 154280628 | antmedia-antmediaserverco-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ant Media Server Enterprise Edition 2.9.0 | 154280645 | antmedia-antmediaserveren-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Appsmith 1.7 | 116403190 | appsmith-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Appwrite 1.4 | 140488730 | appwrite-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Aqtra Platform 0.13 | 151353654 | aqtraplatform |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
AresMUSH 1.0 | 114740552 | wordsmythcreatio-aresmush |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
AzuraCast 0.17.7 | 130673319 | azuracast-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
BevywiseMQTTRoute 4.0 | 146964731 | bevywise-bevywisemqttrout |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Bitwarden 2024.4.2 | 155626326 | bitwarden |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
BlueSky Social PDS 0.4 | 155406964 | blueskysocialpds |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Border0 1.1-603 | 149515260 | border0 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
BotGuard GateKeeper 1.3.0 | 154370498 | botguardo-botguardgatekeep |
Debian |
25 GB |
BotGuard Ingress Controller 1.0 | 117726186 | botguardo-botguardingressc |
Debian |
25 GB |
Caligrafy 2.0 | 136815446 | caligrafybypostc-caligrafy |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Callaba Cloud Live Streaming 6.0 | 118649344 | callabacloud-callabacloudlive |
Ubuntu |
60 GB |
CapRover 1.11.1 | 140653269 | caprover-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Chevereto 4 | 150917015 | chevereto-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
ClickHouse | 144890875 | clickhouse |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
CloudPanel 2 - Ubuntu 22.04 2.4.1 | 148722878 | mgtcommercegmbh-cloudpanel2ubunt |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Cloudron 7.7.2 | 153479941 | cloudron-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
ClusterControl 1.9.8 | 150993888 | severalnines-clustercontrol-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Code Server 4.19.1 | 146288584 | sharklabs-codeserver1 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Convoy 0.6.0 | 112379295 | convoy |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Counter Strike 2 | 151126572 | sharklabs-counterstrike2 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
cPanel & WHM® for AlmaLinux 9 RELEASE | 152545042 | cpanel-cpanelwhmforalma |
AlmaLinux |
25 GB |
cPanel & WHM® for Ubuntu 118 | 154651149 | cpanel-cpanelwhmforubun |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
CSMM 1.20.2 | 144493247 | csmm-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
CyberPanel 2.3.5 | 149718975 | litespeedtechnol-cyberpanel-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
DeepSparse Inference Runtime 1.5.2 | 135999646 | neuralmagic-deepsparseinfere |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Deskpro | 145189564 | deskpro |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Discourse | 138018827 | discourse-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
Django 5.0 | 146041160 | django-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Docker 25.0.3 | 150187231 | docker-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Dokku 0.30.6 | 134231720 | dokku-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
DreamFactory 5.0.1 | 134175468 | dreamfactory |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Droplet NFS Server | 154402220 | sharklabs-dropletnfsserver |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Easypanel 1.16.0 | 130115563 | easypanel |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
EdgeDB 4.7 | 153427141 | edgedb |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
ElasticSearch | 140814755 | elasticsearch |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
EmailEngine 2.40.9 | 153349970 | postalsystemso-emailengine |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
FARM 1.0 | 129597038 | farm |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
FASTPANEL 1.10-ubuntu20.04p407 | 149601616 | fastpanel-deb-9 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
FileCloud 23.232 | 150638835 | codelathe-filecloud-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Flashphoner Web Call Server 5.2.1484 | 121125522 | flashphoner-7-6 |
CentOS |
50 GB |
Flask 3.0.0 | 146033344 | flask |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Flexify.IO Multi-cloud / Migration 2.15.0 | 150517853 | flexifyio-flexifyiomulticl-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
70 GB |
FlowForge 2.2.0 | 152009333 | flowforge |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ghost | 142097182 | ghost-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
GitLab Enterprise Edition | 148477604 | gitlab-gitlabenterprise-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Gramps Web 0.22.2+ | 136947545 | thegrampsproject-grampsweb |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Haltdos Community WAF 1.0.3 | 144207176 | haltdos-haltdoscommunity |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Haltdos Pro WAF 1.0.1 | 138203563 | haltdos-haltdosprowaf |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Haltdos WAF Pro 1.0.1 | 138610344 | haltdos-haltdoswafpro |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
HarperDB 4.3.2 | 153033008 | harperdb-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
HollaEx Kit 2.10.1 | 152870410 | hollaex-hollaexkit |
Ubuntu |
160 GB |
HQbird Firebird 3.0-10.1.1209 | 126385394 | ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebird |
CentOS |
80 GB |
HQbird Firebird v2.5 | 145575665 | ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv2 |
CentOS |
160 GB |
HQbird Firebird v3.0 | 145575764 | ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv3 |
CentOS |
160 GB |
HQbird Firebird v4.0 | 145575807 | ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv4 |
CentOS |
160 GB |
HQbird Firebird v5.0 | 151006692 | ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv5 |
CentOS |
160 GB |
Intel gProfiler Crypto Demo 1.3 | 117873390 | intel-intelgprofilercr |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
InvenTree 0.11.0 | 131728469 | mjmair-inventree |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Invoice Ninja 5 | 114537960 | invoiceninja-20-0-4 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ispmanager 6 6.90.2 | 150551487 | ispmanager-ispmanager6 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Jelastic PaaS 8.2-5 | 131020599 | jelastic-jelasticpaas-7 |
CentOS |
160 GB |
Jenkins 2.426.3 | 150099640 | jenkins |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
Jitsi Server | 131012090 | jitsiserver-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Jupyter Notebook 4.0.1 | 133777395 | sharklabs-jupyternotebook |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
Kasm Workspaces 1.12.0 | 126518693 | kasmtechnologies-kasmworkspaces-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Keitaro 10.2.1 | 151839927 | apliteni-keitaro |
CentOS |
50 GB |
Kibana | 155422824 | sharklabs-kibana |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Konnect VPN Access Server 2310.0 | 143627059 | kuyio-konnectvpna |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
LAMP | 140021096 | lamp-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Laravel 10.16.1 | 137563363 | devdojo-laravel-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
LEMP 43 | 126452293 | lemp-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
LinuxGSM 1.0 | 138079920 | linuxgsm |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
log-store 0.6.3 | 119537555 | logstore |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
LogStash | 155429642 | sharklabs-logstash |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Magento 2 Open Source 1.6.9 | 152487508 | eltrino-magento2opensour-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
MariaDB 10.6.12 | 143813694 | mariadb |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Mastodon 4.2.1 | 145262042 | mastodon-18-04 |
Debian |
50 GB |
MEAN 1.0 | 128824718 | mean |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
MeiliSearch 1.4.0 | 141322652 | meilisas-meilisearch-10 |
Debian |
25 GB |
MERN 1.0 | 128276461 | mern |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Metaverse 0.95b1 | 133725325 | chaarmiworlds-metaverse |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Micro 3.15.0 | 121873995 | m3o-micro |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Microweber 2.0.9 | 149601999 | microwebercms-microweber-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Minecraft: Java Edition Server 1.20.1 | 134995392 | sharklabs-minecraftjavaedi-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
MongoDB 7.0.0 | 138920703 | mongodb-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
moodle 4.3.2 | 149357898 | eummena-moodle-10 |
Debian |
25 GB |
MultiversX Observing Squad 1.0 | 153485293 | multiversx-multiversxobserv |
Ubuntu |
640 GB |
Nakama 3.12.0 | 113137715 | nakama-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Netmaker 0.18.7 | 131787130 | gravitl-netmaker |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Nextcloud 4.5.0 | 128060292 | nextcloudgmbh-nextcloud |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
NGINX 1.23.3 | 123334937 | nginx |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
NirvaShare 5.1.0 | 152065807 | nirvatosoftware-nirvashare-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
NodeJS 18.7.0 | 121155561 | nodejs-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
nPool 1.8 | 116470971 | npool |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OctoBot 1.0.0 | 153818116 | drakkarsoftware-octobot |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Odoo 14 | 114133748 | bigcloud-odoo |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Odoo ERP 16 | 142737922 | sharklabs-erpodoo |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0.1 | 151394410 | ascensiosystemsi-onlyofficeeditor-18-04-4 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
ONLYOFFICE Workspace 24.02.802 | 151394515 | ascensiosystem-onlyoffice-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
80 GB |
Open Source Social Network 6.6.0 | 122483294 | softlab24-opensourcesocial-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Openblocks 1.1.8 | 129589827 | openblocks |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
OpenBoxes Server 0.8.20 | 126100150 | openboxes-openboxesserver |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed Django 5.0.4 | 154624560 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeeddja-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed Drupal 10.2.0 | 147879189 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeeddru |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed Joomla 4.4.2 | 149133053 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedjoo-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed NodeJS 18.10.0 | 118645529 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeednod-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed Rails 7.0.4 | 118699135 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedrai-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenLiteSpeed WordPress 6.4.3 | 149718494 | litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedwor-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OpenMPTCProuter 0.1.0-beta | 119773526 | sharklabs-openmptcprouter |
Debian |
10 GB |
OpenVPN Access Server 2.11.3 | 126498652 | openvpn-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OriginTrail DKG mainnet node 6 | 140498883 | origintrail-origintraildkgma |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OriginTrail DKG testnet node 6 | 140492804 | origintrail-origintraildkgte |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OriginTrail node 6 | 131016796 | origintrail-origintrailnode |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Osmosis 19.2.0 | 141324528 | osmosislabs-osmosis |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
OTT Stream 1.0 | 123448769 | playboxtechnolog-ottstream |
CentOS |
50 GB |
Passbolt CE 4.5.2-1 | 150121608 | passboltsa-passboltce-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Perforce Helix Core 2023.2 | 148784963 | perforce-perforcehelixcor |
Rocky Linux |
25 GB |
PhotoPrism | 129183927 | photoprism-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 | 127477027 | phpmyadmin-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Pi-hole VPN 0.2.1-beta | 118853397 | sharklabs-piholevpn |
Debian |
10 GB |
Plesk (CentOS) 18.0.60 | 155320454 | plesk-pleskcentos-7-9 |
AlmaLinux |
25 GB |
Plesk 18.0.60 | 155328899 | plesk-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Plesk-test 18.0.59 | 153004831 | plesk-plesktest |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
PocketBase 0.22.11 | 155499509 | doteamaccount-pocketbase |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
PrestaShop 8.1.5 | 155583804 | smartarget-prestashop |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
QuantRocket 2.10.1 | 155201631 | quantrocket |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
QuestDB 7.2 | 134679235 | questdb-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
RabbitMQ 3.13.2 | 155224003 | rabbitmq |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
RackWare Cloud Migration | 147525444 | rackware-rackwarecloudmig |
CentOS |
60 GB |
Rocket.Chat 6.6.0 | 149643033 | rocketchat-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
RStudio 2021.09.2+382 | 114445163 | rstudio-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ruby | 126920856 | rubyonrails-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
RunCloud-20.04 | 126828281 | runcloud-runcloud2004-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Saltcorn 0.9.3 | 148804228 | saltcorn-20-04 |
Debian |
25 GB |
Sandfly Security 5.0.5 | 151121776 | sandflysecurity-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
SearchBlox Enterprise Search 10.6 | 155666402 | searchblox-searchbloxenterp-7-6 |
CentOS |
320 GB |
SeaTable 3.3.7 | 124760186 | seatablegmbh-seatable |
Debian |
50 GB |
ShellHub 0.10.4 | 119776176 | shellhub |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
ShinyProxy 3.1.0 | 155710113 | analythium-shinyproxy-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
SOOS DAST Droplet 0.3.4 | 120503505 | soos-soosdastdroplet |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
SpinupWP 1.0 | 143550723 | spinupwp |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
SPR 0.3.1 | 145188909 | supernetworks-spr |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
SRS 5.13.31 | 151896194 | ossrs-srs |
Ubuntu |
60 GB |
Stacks Blockchain | 124191065 | stacksfoundation-stacksblockchain |
Debian |
80 GB |
Statusnook 0.2.0 | 155685165 | superinverse-statusnook |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
StretchShop 0.6.8 | 122224025 | stretchshop |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Supabase 3.8 | 146095122 | supabase |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
Swarm Lightnode 0.1a | 147974713 | swarmfoundation-swarmlightnode |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Tebex RCON Adapter 1.0.0-alpha.5 | 148867538 | tebex-tebexrconadapter |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Teleport 15 | 152831983 | devrel-teleport-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Temporal 1.22.4 | 150004187 | temporal |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
test-project 1 | 129347660 | sharklabs-testproject |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Test433 2.3 | 122487425 | test433 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
testing update app without image 1 | 121487052 | mpdev-testingupdateapp |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
titra 0.90.2 | 128822461 | kromit-titra-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) 1.524 | 147430679 | ubuntudesktopgno |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
UXWizz 6.1.0 | 155626840 | tips4designsrl-uxwizz |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Valkey | 154253058 | sharklabs-valkey |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Varnish Cache 6.0.13 | 154225536 | varnishsoftware-varnishcache-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
VictoriaLogs Single 0.4.2 | 149111698 | victoriametrics-victorialogssing |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
VictoriaMetrics Single 1.91.2 | 133856079 | victoriametrics-victoriametricss |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.4-3 | 152947115 | jelastic-virtuozzoapplica |
CentOS |
160 GB |
VS Code Server 4.19.1 | 146287385 | codertechnologie-vscodeserver |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Wiki.js 2.5.292 | 121203161 | wikijs-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
WordPress 6.4.1 | 144890942 | wordpress-20-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
WordPress-WooCommerce 8.7.0 | 154146708 | smartarget-wordpresswoocomm |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
Workflow Server 3 3.1.1 | 126897486 | optimajet-workflowserver3 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
WorkflowServer 3.1.1 | 127543848 | optimajet-workflowserver-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
WPCloudDeploy 5.5.0 | 143644364 | wpclouddeploy |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
wpcontroller 20221127181653 | 121749717 | warpspeedvpn-wpcontroller |
Ubuntu |
25 GB |
xrDebug | 151093089 | chevereto-xrdebug |
Ubuntu |
10 GB |
Yeastar P-Series Phone System | 153656297 | yeastar-yeastarpseriesph |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
YPSPS-1 | 140366115 | yeastar-ypsps1 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |
Zabbix Proxy 6.4 6.4.1 | 131398269 | zabbix-zabbixproxy64 |
AlmaLinux |
50 GB |
Zabbix Server 6.0 6.0.17 | 131398452 | zabbix-zabbixserver60 |
AlmaLinux |
50 GB |
Zabbix Server 6.4 6.4.1 | 131398384 | zabbix-zabbixserver64 |
AlmaLinux |
50 GB |
ZesleCP 3.1.20 | 135377501 | zeslecp-7 |
CentOS |
25 GB |
Znuny 6.4.5 | 123266137 | znuny |
Debian |
25 GB |
Znuny LTS 6.5.8 | 154389029 | znuny-znunylts-10 |
Debian |
25 GB |
Zulip 8.3 | 152498340 | kandralabs-zulip-18-04 |
Ubuntu |
50 GB |