
The DigitalOcean Marketplace is the home for Kubernetes and Droplet 1-Click Apps from DigitalOcean and third-party vendors, as well as DigitalOcean SaaS Add-Ons.

1-Click Apps streamline the setup process by automating tasks such as package installation, firewall rule configuration, load balancer provisioning, and software setup.

See the last section of this page for a full list of available 1-Click Apps.

Types of App Support

When an app is supported by DigitalOcean, DigitalOcean actively updates and maintains it.

Apps supported by SharkLabs are experimental and may not be actively maintained or updated. We convert popular SharkLabs apps into DigitalOcean apps.

Apps that are not supported by DigitalOcean or SharkLabs are maintained by the app’s third-party vendor.

Kubernetes 1-Click Apps

Kubernetes 1-Click Apps are pre-configured applications for Kubernetes with software, features, and configuration details already in place. These apps come with a Kubernetes cluster that is automated and preconfigured. They offer a Kubernetes environment for testing and deploying small-scale apps with limited resources.

To create a Kubernetes cluster using a 1-Click App, click the Launch App button on any Marketplace 1-Click App page and choose whether to install the app on a new or existing cluster.

To explore our collection of Kubernetes 1-Click Apps, you can visit Marketplace’s Kubernetes Catalog.

Droplet 1-Click Apps

Droplet 1-Click Apps are pre-built Droplet images that come with preconfigured software, features, and settings. These apps minimize setup requirements and provide a environment for testing software or deploying applications.

To create a Droplet using a 1-Click App, click the Create Droplet button on any Marketplace 1-Click App page.

To explore our collection of Droplet 1-Click Apps, you can browse our Marketplace categories.

SaaS Add-Ons

SaaS Add-Ons are third-party software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings provided by external vendors.

Through the integration of Add-Ons, users have the ability to expand the functionality and scalability of their existing infrastructure or applications with minimal setup requirements. Additionally, the automated maintenance and management provided by these Add-Ons further streamline the process.

To explore our SaaS Add-Ons, you can visit Marketplace’s SaaS Add-Ons Catalog.

For Users

You can explore the available 1-Click Apps and Add-Ons in the Marketplace catalog, as well as detailed documentation for each 1-Click Application, including package versions, initial setup, and API creation instructions.

Launch services, tools, and components without manual configuration using Marketplace’s Droplet 1-Click preconfigured VMs, Kubernetes 1-Click helm deployments, and Add-Ons (SaaS).

For Vendors

If you’d like to bring your app, tool, or service to our community, learn more about becoming a Vendor. Once you create your listing, developers and teams can discover your product in our catalog and quickly deploy it from our Cloud Control Panel and API.

Build traction for your open source project or software company by listing your 1-Click Application or SaaS Add-On in the DigitalOcean Marketplace.

More Information

This glossary defines the core concepts behind marketplace.
Information about the DigitalOcean Marketplace service level agreement (SLA).

Latest Updates

18 March 2024

8 September 2023

  • We have released the Vendor API which allows Marketplace vendors to update existing Droplet 1-Click Apps programmatically. See the Vendor API documentation for more information.

25 April 2022

For more information, see the full release notes.

Marketplace Images

Name Image ID API/CLI Slug Base Distribution Minimum Disk Size
1ClickNode for Neo 3.6.2 146278646 axlabs-1clicknodeforneo Ubuntu 25 GB
3CX 150638061 3cxcommunication-3cx Debian 25 GB
3CX-V18 147974724 3cxcommunication-3cxv18 Debian 25 GB
Activepieces 0.3.13 132425380 activepieces Ubuntu 10 GB
Airflow 2.8.3 152621100 airflow Ubuntu 10 GB
Akaunting 122871403 akaunting-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Anaconda 2024.02-1 153719336 sharklabs-anaconda Ubuntu 25 GB
Ant Media Server Community Edition 2.9.0 154280628 antmedia-antmediaserverco-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Ant Media Server Enterprise Edition 2.9.0 154280645 antmedia-antmediaserveren-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Appsmith 1.7 116403190 appsmith-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Appwrite 1.4 140488730 appwrite-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Aqtra Platform 0.13 151353654 aqtraplatform Ubuntu 25 GB
AresMUSH 1.0 114740552 wordsmythcreatio-aresmush Ubuntu 25 GB
AzuraCast 0.17.7 130673319 azuracast-20-04 Ubuntu 50 GB
BevywiseMQTTRoute 4.0 146964731 bevywise-bevywisemqttrout Ubuntu 25 GB
Bitwarden 2024.4.2 155626326 bitwarden Ubuntu 50 GB
BlueSky Social PDS 0.4 155406964 blueskysocialpds Ubuntu 25 GB
Border0 1.1-603 149515260 border0 Ubuntu 25 GB
BotGuard GateKeeper 1.3.0 154370498 botguardo-botguardgatekeep Debian 25 GB
BotGuard Ingress Controller 1.0 117726186 botguardo-botguardingressc Debian 25 GB
Caligrafy 2.0 136815446 caligrafybypostc-caligrafy Ubuntu 25 GB
Callaba Cloud Live Streaming 6.0 118649344 callabacloud-callabacloudlive Ubuntu 60 GB
CapRover 1.11.1 140653269 caprover-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Chevereto 4 150917015 chevereto-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
ClickHouse 144890875 clickhouse Ubuntu 25 GB
CloudPanel 2 - Ubuntu 22.04 2.4.1 148722878 mgtcommercegmbh-cloudpanel2ubunt Ubuntu 25 GB
Cloudron 7.7.2 153479941 cloudron-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
ClusterControl 1.9.8 150993888 severalnines-clustercontrol-20-04 Ubuntu 80 GB
Code Server 4.19.1 146288584 sharklabs-codeserver1 Ubuntu 25 GB
Convoy 0.6.0 112379295 convoy Ubuntu 25 GB
Counter Strike 2 151126572 sharklabs-counterstrike2 Ubuntu 50 GB
cPanel & WHM® for AlmaLinux 9 RELEASE 152545042 cpanel-cpanelwhmforalma AlmaLinux 25 GB
cPanel & WHM® for Ubuntu 118 154651149 cpanel-cpanelwhmforubun Ubuntu 25 GB
CSMM 1.20.2 144493247 csmm-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
CyberPanel 2.3.5 149718975 litespeedtechnol-cyberpanel-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
DeepSparse Inference Runtime 1.5.2 135999646 neuralmagic-deepsparseinfere Ubuntu 25 GB
Deskpro 145189564 deskpro Ubuntu 80 GB
Discourse 138018827 discourse-20-04 Ubuntu 50 GB
Django 5.0 146041160 django-20-04 Ubuntu 10 GB
Docker 25.0.3 150187231 docker-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Dokku 0.30.6 134231720 dokku-20-04 Ubuntu 10 GB
DreamFactory 5.0.1 134175468 dreamfactory Ubuntu 25 GB
Droplet NFS Server 154402220 sharklabs-dropletnfsserver Ubuntu 25 GB
Easypanel 1.16.0 130115563 easypanel Ubuntu 25 GB
EdgeDB 4.7 153427141 edgedb Ubuntu 25 GB
ElasticSearch 140814755 elasticsearch Ubuntu 25 GB
EmailEngine 2.40.9 153349970 postalsystemso-emailengine Ubuntu 25 GB
FARM 1.0 129597038 farm Ubuntu 25 GB
FASTPANEL 1.10-ubuntu20.04p407 149601616 fastpanel-deb-9 Ubuntu 25 GB
FileCloud 23.232 150638835 codelathe-filecloud-20-04 Ubuntu 80 GB
Flashphoner Web Call Server 5.2.1484 121125522 flashphoner-7-6 CentOS 50 GB
Flask 3.0.0 146033344 flask Ubuntu 10 GB
Flexify.IO Multi-cloud / Migration 2.15.0 150517853 flexifyio-flexifyiomulticl-20-04 Ubuntu 70 GB
FlowForge 2.2.0 152009333 flowforge Ubuntu 25 GB
Ghost 142097182 ghost-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
GitLab Enterprise Edition 148477604 gitlab-gitlabenterprise-20-04 Ubuntu 80 GB
Gramps Web 0.22.2+ 136947545 thegrampsproject-grampsweb Ubuntu 25 GB
Haltdos Community WAF 1.0.3 144207176 haltdos-haltdoscommunity Ubuntu 25 GB
Haltdos Pro WAF 1.0.1 138203563 haltdos-haltdosprowaf Ubuntu 25 GB
Haltdos WAF Pro 1.0.1 138610344 haltdos-haltdoswafpro Ubuntu 25 GB
HarperDB 4.3.2 153033008 harperdb-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
HollaEx Kit 2.10.1 152870410 hollaex-hollaexkit Ubuntu 160 GB
HQbird Firebird 3.0-10.1.1209 126385394 ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebird CentOS 80 GB
HQbird Firebird v2.5 145575665 ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv2 CentOS 160 GB
HQbird Firebird v3.0 145575764 ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv3 CentOS 160 GB
HQbird Firebird v4.0 145575807 ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv4 CentOS 160 GB
HQbird Firebird v5.0 151006692 ibsurgeon-hqbirdfirebirdv5 CentOS 160 GB
Intel gProfiler Crypto Demo 1.3 117873390 intel-intelgprofilercr Ubuntu 80 GB
InvenTree 0.11.0 131728469 mjmair-inventree Ubuntu 25 GB
Invoice Ninja 5 114537960 invoiceninja-20-0-4 Ubuntu 25 GB
Ispmanager 6 6.90.2 150551487 ispmanager-ispmanager6 Ubuntu 25 GB
Jelastic PaaS 8.2-5 131020599 jelastic-jelasticpaas-7 CentOS 160 GB
Jenkins 2.426.3 150099640 jenkins Ubuntu 50 GB
Jitsi Server 131012090 jitsiserver-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Jupyter Notebook 4.0.1 133777395 sharklabs-jupyternotebook Ubuntu 50 GB
Kasm Workspaces 1.12.0 126518693 kasmtechnologies-kasmworkspaces-18-04 Ubuntu 80 GB
Keitaro 10.2.1 151839927 apliteni-keitaro CentOS 50 GB
Kibana 155422824 sharklabs-kibana Ubuntu 25 GB
Konnect VPN Access Server 2310.0 143627059 kuyio-konnectvpna Ubuntu 25 GB
LAMP 140021096 lamp-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Laravel 10.16.1 137563363 devdojo-laravel-20-04 Ubuntu 10 GB
LEMP 43 126452293 lemp-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
LinuxGSM 1.0 138079920 linuxgsm Ubuntu 25 GB
log-store 0.6.3 119537555 logstore Ubuntu 25 GB
LogStash 155429642 sharklabs-logstash Ubuntu 25 GB
Magento 2 Open Source 1.6.9 152487508 eltrino-magento2opensour-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
MariaDB 10.6.12 143813694 mariadb Ubuntu 25 GB
Mastodon 4.2.1 145262042 mastodon-18-04 Debian 50 GB
MEAN 1.0 128824718 mean Ubuntu 25 GB
MeiliSearch 1.4.0 141322652 meilisas-meilisearch-10 Debian 25 GB
MERN 1.0 128276461 mern Ubuntu 25 GB
Metaverse 0.95b1 133725325 chaarmiworlds-metaverse Ubuntu 25 GB
Micro 3.15.0 121873995 m3o-micro Ubuntu 25 GB
Microweber 2.0.9 149601999 microwebercms-microweber-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Minecraft: Java Edition Server 1.20.1 134995392 sharklabs-minecraftjavaedi-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
MongoDB 7.0.0 138920703 mongodb-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
moodle 4.3.2 149357898 eummena-moodle-10 Debian 25 GB
MultiversX Observing Squad 1.0 153485293 multiversx-multiversxobserv Ubuntu 640 GB
Nakama 3.12.0 113137715 nakama-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Netmaker 0.18.7 131787130 gravitl-netmaker Ubuntu 25 GB
Nextcloud 4.5.0 128060292 nextcloudgmbh-nextcloud Ubuntu 25 GB
NGINX 1.23.3 123334937 nginx Ubuntu 25 GB
NirvaShare 5.1.0 152065807 nirvatosoftware-nirvashare-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
NodeJS 18.7.0 121155561 nodejs-20-04 Ubuntu 10 GB
nPool 1.8 116470971 npool Ubuntu 25 GB
OctoBot 1.0.0 153818116 drakkarsoftware-octobot Ubuntu 25 GB
Odoo 14 114133748 bigcloud-odoo Ubuntu 25 GB
Odoo ERP 16 142737922 sharklabs-erpodoo Ubuntu 25 GB
ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0.1 151394410 ascensiosystemsi-onlyofficeeditor-18-04-4 Ubuntu 80 GB
ONLYOFFICE Workspace 24.02.802 151394515 ascensiosystem-onlyoffice-18-04 Ubuntu 80 GB
Open Source Social Network 6.6.0 122483294 softlab24-opensourcesocial-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Openblocks 1.1.8 129589827 openblocks Ubuntu 50 GB
OpenBoxes Server 0.8.20 126100150 openboxes-openboxesserver Ubuntu 50 GB
OpenLiteSpeed Django 5.0.4 154624560 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeeddja-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenLiteSpeed Drupal 10.2.0 147879189 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeeddru Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenLiteSpeed Joomla 4.4.2 149133053 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedjoo-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenLiteSpeed NodeJS 18.10.0 118645529 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeednod-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenLiteSpeed Rails 7.0.4 118699135 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedrai-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenLiteSpeed WordPress 6.4.3 149718494 litespeedtechnol-openlitespeedwor-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OpenMPTCProuter 0.1.0-beta 119773526 sharklabs-openmptcprouter Debian 10 GB
OpenVPN Access Server 2.11.3 126498652 openvpn-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
OriginTrail DKG mainnet node 6 140498883 origintrail-origintraildkgma Ubuntu 25 GB
OriginTrail DKG testnet node 6 140492804 origintrail-origintraildkgte Ubuntu 25 GB
OriginTrail node 6 131016796 origintrail-origintrailnode Ubuntu 25 GB
Osmosis 19.2.0 141324528 osmosislabs-osmosis Ubuntu 25 GB
OTT Stream 1.0 123448769 playboxtechnolog-ottstream CentOS 50 GB
Passbolt CE 4.5.2-1 150121608 passboltsa-passboltce-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Perforce Helix Core 2023.2 148784963 perforce-perforcehelixcor Rocky Linux 25 GB
PhotoPrism 129183927 photoprism-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 127477027 phpmyadmin-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Pi-hole VPN 0.2.1-beta 118853397 sharklabs-piholevpn Debian 10 GB
Plesk (CentOS) 18.0.60 155320454 plesk-pleskcentos-7-9 AlmaLinux 25 GB
Plesk 18.0.60 155328899 plesk-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Plesk-test 18.0.59 153004831 plesk-plesktest Ubuntu 25 GB
PocketBase 0.22.11 155499509 doteamaccount-pocketbase Ubuntu 25 GB
PrestaShop 8.1.5 155583804 smartarget-prestashop Ubuntu 25 GB
QuantRocket 2.10.1 155201631 quantrocket Ubuntu 25 GB
QuestDB 7.2 134679235 questdb-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
RabbitMQ 3.13.2 155224003 rabbitmq Ubuntu 25 GB
RackWare Cloud Migration 147525444 rackware-rackwarecloudmig CentOS 60 GB
Rocket.Chat 6.6.0 149643033 rocketchat-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
RStudio 2021.09.2+382 114445163 rstudio-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Ruby 126920856 rubyonrails-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
RunCloud-20.04 126828281 runcloud-runcloud2004-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Saltcorn 0.9.3 148804228 saltcorn-20-04 Debian 25 GB
Sandfly Security 5.0.5 151121776 sandflysecurity-20-04 Ubuntu 50 GB
SearchBlox Enterprise Search 10.6 155666402 searchblox-searchbloxenterp-7-6 CentOS 320 GB
SeaTable 3.3.7 124760186 seatablegmbh-seatable Debian 50 GB
ShellHub 0.10.4 119776176 shellhub Ubuntu 25 GB
ShinyProxy 3.1.0 155710113 analythium-shinyproxy-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
SOOS DAST Droplet 0.3.4 120503505 soos-soosdastdroplet Ubuntu 25 GB
SpinupWP 1.0 143550723 spinupwp Ubuntu 25 GB
SPR 0.3.1 145188909 supernetworks-spr Ubuntu 10 GB
SRS 5.13.31 151896194 ossrs-srs Ubuntu 60 GB
Stacks Blockchain 124191065 stacksfoundation-stacksblockchain Debian 80 GB
Statusnook 0.2.0 155685165 superinverse-statusnook Ubuntu 10 GB
StretchShop 0.6.8 122224025 stretchshop Ubuntu 25 GB
Supabase 3.8 146095122 supabase Ubuntu 50 GB
Swarm Lightnode 0.1a 147974713 swarmfoundation-swarmlightnode Ubuntu 25 GB
Tebex RCON Adapter 1.0.0-alpha.5 148867538 tebex-tebexrconadapter Ubuntu 10 GB
Teleport 15 152831983 devrel-teleport-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Temporal 1.22.4 150004187 temporal Ubuntu 50 GB
test-project 1 129347660 sharklabs-testproject Ubuntu 25 GB
Test433 2.3 122487425 test433 Ubuntu 25 GB
testing update app without image 1 121487052 mpdev-testingupdateapp Ubuntu 25 GB
titra 0.90.2 128822461 kromit-titra-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) 1.524 147430679 ubuntudesktopgno Ubuntu 50 GB
UXWizz 6.1.0 155626840 tips4designsrl-uxwizz Ubuntu 25 GB
Valkey 154253058 sharklabs-valkey Ubuntu 25 GB
Varnish Cache 6.0.13 154225536 varnishsoftware-varnishcache-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
VictoriaLogs Single 0.4.2 149111698 victoriametrics-victorialogssing Ubuntu 25 GB
VictoriaMetrics Single 1.91.2 133856079 victoriametrics-victoriametricss Ubuntu 25 GB
Virtuozzo Application Platform 8.4-3 152947115 jelastic-virtuozzoapplica CentOS 160 GB
VS Code Server 4.19.1 146287385 codertechnologie-vscodeserver Ubuntu 25 GB
Wiki.js 2.5.292 121203161 wikijs-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
WordPress 6.4.1 144890942 wordpress-20-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
WordPress-WooCommerce 8.7.0 154146708 smartarget-wordpresswoocomm Ubuntu 25 GB
Workflow Server 3 3.1.1 126897486 optimajet-workflowserver3 Ubuntu 25 GB
WorkflowServer 3.1.1 127543848 optimajet-workflowserver-18-04 Ubuntu 25 GB
WPCloudDeploy 5.5.0 143644364 wpclouddeploy Ubuntu 25 GB
wpcontroller 20221127181653 121749717 warpspeedvpn-wpcontroller Ubuntu 25 GB
xrDebug 151093089 chevereto-xrdebug Ubuntu 10 GB
Yeastar P-Series Phone System 153656297 yeastar-yeastarpseriesph Ubuntu 50 GB
YPSPS-1 140366115 yeastar-ypsps1 Ubuntu 50 GB
Zabbix Proxy 6.4 6.4.1 131398269 zabbix-zabbixproxy64 AlmaLinux 50 GB
Zabbix Server 6.0 6.0.17 131398452 zabbix-zabbixserver60 AlmaLinux 50 GB
Zabbix Server 6.4 6.4.1 131398384 zabbix-zabbixserver64 AlmaLinux 50 GB
ZesleCP 3.1.20 135377501 zeslecp-7 CentOS 25 GB
Znuny 6.4.5 123266137 znuny Debian 25 GB
Znuny LTS 6.5.8 154389029 znuny-znunylts-10 Debian 25 GB
Zulip 8.3 152498340 kandralabs-zulip-18-04 Ubuntu 50 GB