Validated on 27 Mar 2019 • Last edited on 23 May 2024
DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls are a network-based, stateful firewall service for Droplets provided at no additional cost. Cloud firewalls block all traffic that isn’t expressly permitted by a rule.
Add or Remove Droplets from a Firewall Using the CLI
The commands to add and remove Droplets from a firewall require the Droplet’s ID. To retrieve a list of Droplets and their IDs, use the doctl compute droplet list command.
How to add a Droplet to a firewall using the DigitalOcean CLI
To add a Droplet to a firewall via the command-line, follow these steps:
Use the token to grant doctl access to your
DigitalOcean account.
doctl auth init
Finally, add a Droplet to a firewall with
doctl compute firewall add-droplets. The basic usage looks
like this, but you'll want to read the usage docs for more details:
doctl compute firewall add-droplets <id> [flags]
The following example assigns two Droplets to the cloud firewall with the ID f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
Use the token to grant doctl access to your
DigitalOcean account.
doctl auth init
Finally, remove a Droplet to a firewall with
doctl compute firewall remove-droplets. The basic usage looks
like this, but you'll want to read the usage docs for more details:
Add or Remove Droplets from a Firewall Using the API
The API calls to add and remove Droplets from a firewall require the Droplet’s ID. To retrieve a list of Droplets and their IDs, use the /v2/droplets endpoint.
How to add Droplets to a firewall using the DigitalOcean API
To add Droplets to a firewall using the DigitalOcean API, follow these steps:
Ruby developers can use DropletKit,
the official DigitalOcean V2 API client for Ruby. To add Droplets to a firewall with DropletKit, use the
following code:
Ruby developers can use DropletKit,
the official DigitalOcean V2 API client for Ruby. To remove Droplets from a firewall with DropletKit, use the
following code:
Add or Remove Droplets from a Firewall Using the Control Panel
You can modify the Droplets protected by a firewall in the control panel by choosing Networking from the top navigation, then Firewalls. Select the firewall you want to check or modify, then navigate to its Droplets tab.
A firewall’s Droplets tab lists all of all the Droplets protected by the firewall. Droplets added individually are shown on their own line, and Droplets added with a tag are shown below the tag.
To add another Droplet or tag to the firewall, use the Add Droplets button.
To remove a Droplet or tag from a firewall, use its More menu and select Remove.
From the firewall’s Droplets panel, you can see which Droplets are affected by that firewall’s rules. To see all the rules affecting a specific Droplet, you need to view the individual Droplet’s networking page.